
Styled Foxy Sock Poi


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🛠️ Manufacturer : Home of Poi 🇳🇿

🤹‍♂️ The Styled Foxy Sock Poi from Home of Poi is a versatile and beginner-friendly poi tool, perfect for learning and practicing poi spinning. These poi feature a stretchy fabric that provides smooth movement and flow, making them ideal for tricks and transitions. The durable sock-like material allows for easy control and manipulation, with a soft, weighted end for safe spinning. The design is minimal, and they often come in vibrant colors, making them visually striking in both day and low-light conditions. The Styled Foxy Sock Poi is a popular choice for spinners of all levels due to its ease of use, affordability, and durability.

#poi #sockpoi #homeofpoi #flowarts #lebanon #beirut #circus #


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Styled Foxy Sock Poi